Administration - Mag. Agnes Leyrer
© der knopfdruecker
Administration - Mag. Agnes Leyrer
Department of Intercultural Philosophy of Religion
(former Christian Philosophy)
Faculty of Catholic Theology
University of Vienna
Schenkenstrasse 8-10, Room 5OG 007,
1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: 0043-1-4277-30701
Born 1981 in Vienna.
Degree in philosophy (2012, diploma thesis about "Ernst Tugendhat und die intellektuelle Redlichkeit", supervised by Elisabeth Nemeth. Minor in Art History).
Employed at the department since october 2006 (30 hours per week).
From december 2013 until march 2016, I was also employed at the research platform "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society" (10 hours a week).
From autum 2019 until June 2021, I also support the department of Religious Studies with 6 hours per week.